McQueen Real Princess
Meet our stunning & independent Real Princess! With the refreshing spring breeze gently blowing through her hair she strikes a model pose just for you:) Check out her beautifully mark two toned face. Her bold and brilliant tri-color coat is nothing short of amazing; soft, thick, and glamorous. The colors trickles down her back like a soothing waterfall! Her photos truly do not due her any justice, she is even more gorgeous in person. This free spirited kitten loves to prance about and go on adventures. When shes not busy exploring the world around her she loves to entertain herself with toys, and the more the merrier! One could spend hours watching her chase fuzzy mice and frolic about as she conquers feathery toys. If you are looking for a lively kitten who is fully of life Real Princess might just be the girl for you!
Add this luxury kitty to your heart and home today!
Adoption Information Profile
Breed: British Longhair
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 08/03/2018
Color: Calico
Coat: Super Dense Semi-Longhair
Country of Birth: United Arab Emirates