McQueen Light Dancer
Introducing Light Dancer. This baby boy doesn’t just walk, he dances which is exactly how he got his name. This his tail swishing back and forth and his head merrily bobbing he will come marching up to you. With his endless charm he will befriend just about anyone, no matter the amount of paw they walk on. His incredibly piercing eyes are so animated and endlessly expressive. Beautiful spotted tabby coloring decorates him. The background of his body is a luscious cream that you will want to run your hands through for hours. Light Dancer is a fearless kitten that wants to be the center of your attention. His silly kitty antics and playful purr-sonality will capture your heart. He would certainly make an excellent family addition. He melts like butter in your lap, arms sprawled out and rubbing his cheeks on you begging to be showered with loving strokes.
Adoption Information Profile
Breed: British Shorthair
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 16/06/2017
Color: Blue Spotted Tabby
Coat: Super Dense Shorthair
Country of Birth: United Arab Emirates
Price: Inquire about pricing