McQueen Kenzo
Oh be still my precious heart! Have you EVER in your life seen such a sweet face in all your life?! Kenzo has a near purr-fect face that will make your heart skip a beat and swell with endless joy. He is a living, breathing doll that has been blessed with those “sad” tear-drop puppy dog eyes. And those cream colored chipmunk cheeks!! This is a kitty that you will want to shower with lots of kisses and hugs. He will return your love with sandpaper kisses on your hand delicate tickles with his dainty whiskers upon your cheek as he snuggles and nudges you with his head.
His tabby markings give him a slightly exotic look as they dance and weave throughout his golden coat. His petite frame has hints of a warmer golden undertone. Across his body his wild spots vivid against his soft apricot coat. His tiny tail is adorned with beautiful hazy ringlets.
Kenzo is a cuddle bug who likes to be a pampered. At the sight of a brush he will come skipping up to you and lean into it, heheh. With such a pleasant disposition and pouty face Kenzo will have even the most devoted dog-lover wrapped around his tail in no time! If this pretty pretty boy has captured your heart…
Adoption Information Profile
Breed: British Shorthair
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 07/06/2017
Color: Wild Tabby
Coat: Dense Shorthair
Country of Birth: United Arab Emirates
Price: Inquire about pricing